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Ask HN: Multi-Key Text Decryption
1 point by 0xfedbee on Aug 11, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Here’s the problem: I want to disclose all my financial details (accounts and passwords) to my family members (spouse, children, parents and siblings) in case of sudden death. I want everyone to have a little piece of the puzzle such that when everyone agrees to share their piece, only then the encrypted text with all the secrets is revealed. My family isn’t too tech savvy. What’s the safest and simplest solution to go about it?

The cryptography is well-known - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_sharing - and very flexible (you give each person one or more share and set a threshold for how many shares are required to recover the secret). Unfortunately I don't have a nice user-friendly piece of software to point you to.

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