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This will be a significant boost to London, already home to vast amounts of money laundering via real estate, all facilitated by well established networks involving thousands of middle class professionals and the UK's crown dependencies with convenient secrecy laws, nominee directors etc. to conceal beneficial ownership. 70% of the apartments in most premium developments are owned offshore, many with concealed ownership -- 11% of all of the properties in Westminster alone.

I recommend the following books by Oliver Bullough:

Moneyland https://www.amazon.co.uk/Moneyland-Thieves-Crooks-Rule-World...

Butler to the World https://www.amazon.co.uk/Butler-World-Britain-Empire-Found-e...

and, by Tom Burgis

Kleptopia https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kleptopia-Dirty-Money-Conquering-Wo...

and this YouTube video


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