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How do you get to know French people if small talk isn’t a thing? (ouiinfrance.com)
6 points by yamrzou on Aug 10, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Honestly I'd just ask if they'd like to talk about whatever "small talk" topic I'd want to know more about. To me it seems like a fair way to ask if they're open to conversation and then ask specifically about what I'd like to know. If they'd rather not talk I wouldn't be offended (though I'd probably be a bit disappointed for a little bit).

Assuming this is re: the article about the Finns you posted. I understand the logic behind not wanting to bother people as I do that myself, so I wouldn't want to force someone to chat if they don't want to.

Why not talk about actual issues? Seems like people are terrified of actually speaking about important things. Small topics make small minds.

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