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Ghost Guns Not a Real Problem, Says Wyoming Gun Law Expert (cowboystatedaily.com)
7 points by LinuxBender 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

It's not the "ghost guns" in the way that Mocsary is referring to (he misses the entire point), it's the kits:


>> Ghost gun kits include all of the necessary component parts to turn the unfinished frame or receiver into a fully functioning gun, which once assembled looks, feels, and functions like a traditional gun, whether a handgun or assault weapon, and is just as deadly and dangerous in the wrong hands.

>> The process of converting these parts into a ghost gun involves just a few steps and can be completed without any specialized skills.

>> There are no federal restrictions on who can buy ghost gun kits or parts;

>> There are no federal limitations on how many ghost gun kits or parts someone can buy;

>> Ghost gun kits and parts are relatively cheap; and

>> Ghost gun kits and parts are intentionally marketed as unregulated and untraceable to appeal to those who want to avoid background checks and/or are gun traffickers.

Making your own firearms has always been cheap, easy, and legal. Look up 'hardware store slamfire shotgun'. I made a few as a bored teen. This is not anything new or newsworthy. The 'ghost' moniker being the obvious political spin here.

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