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Mysterious countdown at baldursgate.com (baldursgate.com)
8 points by beza1e1 on March 15, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

A better title would be "Mysterious countdown at site WITH LOUD AUTOPLAY AUDIO"

I can't play that right now. What does it say?

Right now, I'm imagining, "Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!"

I hope they are not releasing a new game. I was addicted to the first one :)

No, it's not a new game, it's a new ERP portal with integrated CRM for self-driving cars, written in Erlang and coffescript by a distributed team, and source code will be on github.

Of course it's a new game.

I hope it's not a new ERP portal with integrated CRM for self-driving cars, written in Erlang and coffescript by a distributed team.

I'm addicted to those as well.

Or maybe not. It could be an HD release of the original two games via steam which has long been rumored.

Unfortunately that would be just as bad for my productivity as the release of a new game in the series.

AS it turns out, that's exactly what it seems to be. But no fear, they had just started, so we're good for 2-3 years.

It would have been way much better if, you sir, would have stop to the first line; there's no need for a new game, as thoughts of replaying the old one is still hunting me.

I would prefer a ERP portal, my addiction for baldur gates 2 was not good,

In the Page Sourcecode it says:

<!-- March 14, 2012 --> <!-- Shadowy Figure- Raise Dead : Infinity Engine -->

<!-- It is coming. -->

So, maybe a new Baldurs Gate ? We might know more in a few hours. ;)

Server seems to be getting slammed now.

Stand and deliver!--that my hamster might have a better look at you.

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