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I don't think it's obvious that more screening leads to "higher quality" drivers or that customers care. That's the premise of my original post. More screening leading to less drivers feels like it's not a "may" in this case, since the original post was essentially saying that there were undesirable people who had gotten through current screening and should be driving.

From there, sure, it's unclear if less "better" drivers are a business positive, but either way, that's an interesting discussion worth more than just "haha you did a fallacy". Claiming that it's likely that having less drivers that are "higher quality", whatever that means, will improve the service overall is just as much of a guess as what I put forward.

Either way, to go back to my original post, it's unclear to me that the users of the service are, on average, that upset about the quality of their drivers. The alternative is taxis, which certainly aren't better on average at screening their drivers for anti-social behavior in my experiences.

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