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Everyone Wants to Work at UPS After Union Scores $170k Driver Pay (bloomberg.com)
12 points by mfiguiere 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

My wife co-owns and runs a small retail clothing store, so she receives a lot of packages. UPS, USPS, FedEx, DHL, etc. etc. Even occasionally Amazon, because for various reasons it's easier to receive personal packages there sometimes than at our home.

UPS is not just the best run package delivery, it is not at all a close contest. It is the only one without frequent missed deliveries, misdeliveries (as in the package was delivered to the wrong place), packages obviously water-damaged or otherwise messed up. It is also the only one where the drivers can figure out, routinely, what the store's hours are (even though they are publicly posted on both webpage and front door). A big part of this is that UPS drivers seem to stay around on the same route a lot longer.

UPS may or may not be aware of it, but in a situation of labor shortage, their near-monopoly hold on the good drivers is a serious competitive advantage.

The union makes us strong!

Just imagine the power the working class would have if all workplaces were unionised.

I thought they wanted to drive trucks for Tay Tay!

Non-paywalled link please?

Just paste into archive.is


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