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Should everything be blazingly fast? (einenlum.com)
5 points by Einenlum 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

To me the line "blazingly fast" has become synonymous to ThePrimeagen's videos about face closeups while throwing at us the aforementioned line lol!

Apart from the joke, in my personal opinion speed should be a major factor if not the same objective combined with code safety wherever plausible and applicable.

The reason is lower CPU usage equals less energy consumption, which means less pollution AND less energy expenses for hosting companies and home users.

Ah yes. We really need some benchmarks, so we can choose CPU's according to how many colorschemes for Neovim it can generate each second. Parallelizing @ optimizing that task for supercomputer deployment is of the utmost importance. /kidding

Read: it depends on # of users, and how often a task is done.

For one-offs, or rarely done jobs, performance or energy use doesn't matter AT ALL as long as it's useable (like, user can work with it, and software does its job in acceptable timespan). Job described in the article clearly falls in this category.

On the other end of the scale: if software is used daily by billions of users, then even shaving off a single CPU cycle, or a minor UI enhancement should be considered worthwhile.

Most software falls in between. Optimize performance as needed, or with reasonable ratio for effort vs. userbase benefit.

Is there a name for this annoying trend of sprinkling project descriptions with the same repetitive set of evocative and inherently subjective adjectives like “blazingly fast”, “awesome”, “delightful”, and “beautiful”? My impression is that this only has become common in recent years.

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