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Computers Are Broken (computer.rip)
18 points by Brajeshwar on Aug 8, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This is a very good article giving an overview of telephone technology and the technical aspects of fighting against spam calling, with comparisons to email spam.

I don't think the editorialised title (“computers are broken”) is particularly relevant.

> COMPUTERS ARE BAD is a newsletter semi-regularly issued directly to your doorstep to enlighten you as to the ways that computers are bad and the many reasons why.

It's not even the name of the website.

The name of this entry is "2023-08-07 STIRred AND SHAKEN"

I thought from the HN headline that the article was going to pivot from talking about phone scams to computer scams, but no...

To discuss the imaginary article that the headline created in my mind, I do feel the headline's statement is true, on Windows, you have to navigate your way through so many dialogs of "Get OneDrive! Use Edge! Try Bing!" to use your computer. MacOS probably has similar stuff, and let's not talk about the web...

I made some changes to the site generator today, so when I saw the title I worried that I had really screwed it up and Computers Are Bad was Computers Are Broken.

Most telcos are well on their way to remove conventional circuit switching, and long distance carriers I’m aware of have already moved to VoIP. STIR/SHAKEN is already out there outside the US, albeit it is hard to say how prevalent it is.

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