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How to stop the “login with Google” pop up window? (support.google.com)
209 points by carride 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 84 comments

I also really want this for 99% of sites I visit:

    [√] Disable third-party login
    [√] No, I really don't want to "login with Google"
    [√] No, I don't want to subscribe to your newsletter
    [√] and I don't want to join your Discord server
Edit: apparently Google believes that I'm lying about my preferences for web browsing. Who'd have thought? ;-)

It’s funny how google and other sites just can’t imagine a world where people don’t want their crap.

I’ve been in product design meetings where it seems product managers earnestly say “it’s better for users, so we’ll just prompt them until they realize it’s a good idea.” It was odd to have a conversation where they couldn’t contemplate user wishes contrary to their own.

This is a pet peeve of mine. You even see the same thing expressed in the comments on HN from time to time.

Underpinning the mindset is the idea that users are idiots who are incapable of perceiving the unvarnished brilliance of devs and PMs. When, more usually, it's that the devs and PMs aren't understanding something that's very important to users.

Use the annoyances lists in uBlock and it solves most of this

Of course, it would actually be:

    [X] Tick to confirm that No, you want not to be unsubscribed from the newsletter
Or worse!

Un-re-anti-not-not-not subscribed to your newsletter?


tick to don't not un re subscribe to not redo reminder to not de subscribe (we will send a one time pass code to mt Kilimanjaro, you must hike there and return with the code in 10 minutes or your ability to no un re subscribe to not redo reminder to not de subscribe will be locked for 10 minutes and you will need to fill out a form containing a blood sample and your grandmothers ashes to re-enable)

If you are using Safari, the extensions

- Hush,


- Stop the Madness

Will solve about 90% of these annoyances

I love HN. I keep learning about these obscure addons that are mandatory. I'll add to the list!

AdGuard [1] Hush [2]

If you use Reddit: Sink It for Reddit [3]

[1] https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adguard-adblock-privacy/id1047...

[2] https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hush-nag-blocker/id1544743900

[3] https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sink-it-for-reddit/id644987363...

Here's the link to StopTheMadness: https://underpassapp.com/StopTheMadness/

Calling Safari extensions “extensions” is an insult to all other apps and all other extensions.

How’s that?

You forgot

[√] No I don't want to share my location

[√] No I don't want to get notifications

These settings exists in the browser already

I dream someday of finding a browser with a "never autoplay video" setting that actually works.

(Note: brave might work - I haven't tested it enough though.)

Firefox at least stops the video from playing if it has sounds. That's so much better than the alternative.

I think showing these options + login (with Goo...) would have been such a good use case if I, as a user visited the login or sign up page.

and just give me 1. minimal or necessary or 2. all cookies for whatever.

It's been infuriating how fast this has been taking off. Pretty much every major website has it enabled now.

First we had pop-ups driving us crazy for years, and we beat them down with pop-up blockers. Now we've got modal after modal overlaying each other and blocking out the content more than any popups ever did... and we can't get rid of them (other than separately, each and every one targeted via ublock/etc) because the companies controlling the browsers want to use them to harass us too.

> because the companies controlling the browsers want to use them to harass us too.

We can be more specific than that: Google wants to harass their users too. Between Safari, Firefox, Brave, and Arc, I’m not seeing that anywhere else.

Actually I only see this with Firefox and not Chrome, probably because I disabled "Allow Chrome sign-in" in Chrome. I am not sure if there is a similar option for Firefox without resorting to addons.

I’m sure Google displays those prompts in every browser. What I responded to was this though:

> because the companies controlling the browsers want to use them to harass us too.

The way I read that is the companies controlling the browsers want to use them to harass us on their domains inside their browsers, so the equivalent would Apple doing something equivalent in Safari or Mozilla doing something equivalent in Firefox. Google does this though, I’m unsure about others but inside the browsers I listed I’m not seeing the equivalent behavior, and in those browsers, Google is just another domain, not the browser vendor per se.

Though I should correct myself on this front since I’m here: Arc required an account for me to use it and I just plain forgot. They’re very upfront about this during setup though, so I wouldn’t call that harassment, and I don’t know if they still do for the final release.

I’m sure it isn’t, but it feels like it should be illegal to create public nuisance and then use your monopolistic power to hide that nuisance from the portion of the public you have control of.

>other than separately, each and every one targeted via ublock/etc

You subscribe to lists and let the developers of those lists worry about finding out what has to be blocked.

I've blocked it by adding the following to my custom filter list in uBlock:


"I have the same question (113)"

"This question is locked and replying has been disabled."

It's the most Googly way of saying "You can't. Fuck off" that I've seen yet.

This is just normal for Google support.

The Google My Business help section is a similar graveyard with people wailing for help but not a single actual Google employee there to be of assistance. That is, unless your thread gets some insane amount of traction but also at risk of being locked

Can anyone at the company respond? Or is it some special support staff?

There’s no support staff at Google, much less special support staff.

No, no one will. Phone support does not exist except for certain services like Ads. Even then, Ads has a recording that says get lost if you're not calling about ads.

You can find random employees on LinkedIn and email them and they'll respond but it won't go anywhere.

Google has support staff for every product, and they are available via chat or phone. The waits are only a couple of minutes.

All you need to do is subscribe to Google One for a nominal annual fee. I've found it pays off easily, and I'll be renewing again.

Even for GMB? Because I will gladly pay money to talk to a human the next time I get banned for the vaguest reason and all appeals fail with no additional information

If by "GMB" you mean "Google My Business", I sort of doubt it, because One is a consumer, end-user product, for individuals and families.

I am sure that if you subscribe to Google Workspaces for Business/Enterprise that they will be responsive in that regard.

But Google My Business (GMB) is for end users? GMB specifically markets it directly to business owners, mom and pop types. They will look _very_ critically if you're a third party as I've experienced.

And it's not just GMB. There are other products that Google just refuses to support in any meaningful way yet are definitely end user. Less consumer, but still end user. One example, Google Analytics. There's GA360 with 24/7 support, but it's $150k/yr. GA360 is also the only way to download historical GA data after a year or so (last time I checked?). Another example, Google Data Studio. which is now... Looker? I guess? What a clusterfuck that was. It and Firebase were so glitchy and lost so much of our analytics. Once I finally got it into BigQuery and then into DataStudio, which I spent way more time on that it should've they wanted to charge us up the ass to continue doing it. So I was told to turn it off.




835. Wait. How do you unask a ?

edit Apparently by asking a 2nd time. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37041047#37042474

If your desire increases, Google deletes it. That's a new level of microcontrol.

Remember when Google penalized pages with pop-ups?

I have these 2 custom filters in Brave, and haven't seen this popup since:



The other top-level comment (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37041492) linked superuser answer mentions a similar single line for uBlock Origin:

Any substantial difference between the suggested two, and this one?

I worked these out a while ago. I think on some sites, an iframe will still show, but will be empty. My second rule and this one probably do the same thing.

nice! but you should code-format that by indenting it, otherwise hn truncates the uri in some views

Why the hell is HN doing that...

It's more of an abbreviation than a truncation: the link still points to the full URL, but outside of a code context there's not much reason to display excessively long URLs in their entirety as part of a regular comment.

I really need to stop using gmail as my main email.

That won’t really solve this problem, the problem is due to these websites uses Sign In with Google, so it’s out of your control. However if you’re just looking to de-Google in general, I’d recommend Fastmail for email provider. It’s surprisingly cheap for the value it offers.

Second recommendation Fastmail here.

And DavX5 because I don't want my calendar to be a tab in email.

I never ever sign in with google. I don’t trust a pop up asking me to input one of my most important passwords and logins. Maybe there is a way to make sure I am not being duped but I just don’t like it.

I'll just add that every single time it appears, I'm reminded Google actively wants to take and own every single part of my life. Instead of a handy convenience thing like they intend, I just hate the brand more and more. `googleHate++` every time I see it.

If you install Noscript browser extension, the cursed login window doesn't survive disabling scripts from google.com.

I went to the article and clicked "I have the same question" and it tried to get me to login to Google.

At least if you click "I have the same question" on the support page, the counter increments.

But if you click it a second time, it decrements.

If you click it 501 times, a sheep explodes!

What happens if you click it 1002 times, then? Does another sheep explode?

Once again Google shows how deeply irresponsible and straight hostile they are to their customers. First AMP, now this insanity.

Google employees should be ashamed of this garbage.

"If this was a human doing this to you every time you went to accomplish a task, at what point would you consider it assault past harassment?"

Google needs to really think like this. It really feels like assault at this point to be constantly pushed and forced to "log in with Google" when I don't want to.

I just found this Google settings page by accident: https://myaccount.google.com/connections/settings

It has just one switch: "Allow Google to display a sign-in prompt where it’s supported by third-party apps and services"

Could that be it?


From a GitHub post:

    Click the puzzle piece icon (Extensions).

    Click uBlock Origin (Open extension).

    Click the gears icon (Open the dashboard).

    Click the My filters tab.

    Insert the following line:


    Click Apply changes.

    Enjoy a world without passive-aggressive sign-in prompts.
Note: You may need to install uBlock Origin, if you haven't already done so.

People are suggesting ublock and other browser extension based blocks, I just wish there’s a DNS level block that won’t have unintended consequences. Mainly because of iOS devices. In one of the article that a commenter posted, it suggests blocking “smartlock.google.com”, I’ll try it for a while and see how broken things are.

uMatrix & uBlock Origin


Deselect everything except 1st-party CSS, image, and media.

No ad or popup in years.

This is especially annoying on mobile twitter, since it takes about two seconds to load, and the blue sign-in button is exactly over where the "necessary cookies only" button is.

I've hit it accidentally a few times now.

Semi-hijack with a tangential question:

Has anyone put together a resource - or better yet, an automated service - for migrating away from Google (Gmail in particular)?

I’m curious if anyone else here can anecdotally confirm, but in the past 6-12 months a huge majority of the “normies” I originally setup with Gmail accounts (way back when they first came out with 2gb of storage) have been contacting me saying they’re getting dire warnings about storage space resulting in them not being able to send/receive emails “soon” unless they start paying Google. The timing coincides roughly with the crackdown on edu storage space fwiw.

It’s already difficult enough for a tech-savvy person to seamlessly switch emails, but for the avg Boomer getting literal hundreds of spam emails per day I don’t even know how to tell them to begin. I spent a good hour at my parents’ house at least trying to cut down on the spam/newsletter subscriptions and mass deleted tens of thousands of emails - but within a month the “pay up” warning returned.

If you use labels extensively then you should look at removing before migrating. When using IMAP each label acts as a folder, and if an email has 5 labels then IMAP has 5 copies of the same email.

> Has anyone put together a resource - or better yet, an automated service - for migrating away from Google (Gmail in particular)?

1. Set up a new mailserver/register an email somewhere else; 2. Google Takeout your existing data; 3. Redirect all your incoming mail from GMail to your new email address; 4. Change over the email address of all services you use.

FYI, GMail will not forward mail messages sent by Gmail - security alerts, "you logged in from a new device", those dire warnings, and possibly any warning that they are about to delete your address, or turn off forwarding. Caveat usor.

GMail will let you set "backup emails" for those security alerts, however. Setting up new accounts today it will even sometimes require backup email addresses.

No good deed goes unpunished. You were nice once and are now their dedicated tech support.

I’m surprised no one has mention AdGuard.

In settings, blocking “Annoyances” is off by default. By toggling it to true, the Google login banner will be blocked, along with the “Chrome is the best!!11” banner and others.

Because uBlock Origin is better. Wait, purchase a license for AdGuard? Pfffffft.

... this website, I can't comment more than twice in a hour. And fuck me for continuing to come back, time after time. If only there wasn't simultaneously such a circlejerk about how supposedly great the moderation is.

I use this to block it:


What did you do with that string, exactly?

How to stop it: don't use Google services.

... but that doesn't change anything. The popups appear on other websites that include Google's authentication script.

If you block all of Google's IP addresses, the web is kinda broken

Login with Google.

Black-holing all Google IP addresses might work.

Guess HN didn't like this idea. But I was inspired after installing a firewall recently. ;-)

Otherwise DNS proxy or simple /etc/hosts might work I imagine.

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