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I dont even know how seriously to take this comment.

First of all, active shooters can be found anywhere. Of course someone can go crazy and show up at the workplace with a gun.

Second, it depends on what you mean by common. 80% of active shooter incidents happen at work. However, you probably have less than 0.5% chances of being involved in one. Sucks when you are for sure, but these are pretty good odds.

Finally, avoiding an entire city just for that is dumb. Especially when you have way more risks in NYC or Chicago.

It's a sincere attempt to estimate the prior. Information on the US and guns is very heavily political. What american developers consider "obviously normal" about carrying guns to places developers go is probably as accurate an insight as one can find.

Probability of getting shot is related to how many guns are present. Prior to this thread I just assumed there were no guns in the office, because that's the European prior.

However I'm now thinking of the reaction to rust's no-guns-at-conferences stance where a non-zero number of people thought that was so contentious that they wouldn't go to a conference without their guns.

You say most active shootings happen at the workplace. If true, interesting in combination with the apparent frequency of school shootings.

I mentioned a specific city as I believe there's an association between Texas and revolvers which might skew the odds further.

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