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Thinking of buying an EV in Colorado? You could get $26,500 in discounts (cpr.org)
10 points by ryzvonusef on Aug 6, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Buried deep in the article:

”Is it really possible to combine all these tax credits and rebates at once?

Not yet, but it could be soon.”

This seems like a weird hit piece against EVs, trying to stir rage with all the different subsidies (though you can only get some of them, and many being non-refundable tax rebates, not cash rewards).

Colorado Vehicle Exchange program:

> "An eligible trade-in vehicle must have failed an emissions test or be at least 12 years old"

This seems like an incentive to damage/remove/sell the particulate filter and catalytic converter.

That won't be hard to arrange. Just park it on the street in Denver overnight and your catalytic converter will be gone.

The Xcel Energy rebate doesn't cover all of Colorado. There are a lot of counties Xcel doesn't service - like El Paso (Colorado's largest county with CS, the second largest metro area in CO). This is mostly just for Denver.

Ahh, the poor subsidizing the rich getting electric vehicles

The rich that qualify for “< 80 percent median income OR enrolled in assistance programs”

7500 federal credit?

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