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Nobody said if it can't be measured it doesn't exist. Nothing of this nature was said or implied.

What I do believe is that if it can't measured then it's existence is only worthwhile and relevant to you. It is not worthwhile to talk about unmeasurable things in a rigorous way. We can talk about unmeasurable things hypothetically, but topics like whether something is intelligent or not where we need definitive information one way or another requires measurements and communication in a shared reality that is interpretable by all parties.

If you want to make a claim outside of our shared reality then sure, be my guest. Let's talk about religion and mythology and all that stuff it's fine. However...

There's a hard demarcation between this stuff and science and a reason why people on HN tend to stick with science before jumping off the deep end into philosophy or religion.

My point on burden of proof was lost on you. Who the burden is placed on is irrelevant to the situation. Imagine we see a house explode and I thus make a claim that because I saw a house explode an actual house must have exploded. Then you suddenly conveniently declare that if I made the claim the burden is on me to prove it. What? Do you see the absurdity there?

We see AI imitating humans pretty well. I make a soft claim that maybe the AI is intelligent and suddenly some guy is like the burden of proof is on you to prove that AI is intelligent!

Bro. Let's be real. First no definitive claim was made second it's a reasonable speculation irregardless of burdens. The burden of proof exists in medicine to prevent distribution and save lives, people do not use the burden of proof to prevent reasonable speculation.

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