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What does the word approximately mean, if we go back to the previous statement answer from GTP 4, and what precision is needed in the answer?

And, no I'd grab a damned calculator and let the specialized tool do the work, which it turns out if you turn on plugin mode GPT-4 can use the same tools and get an exact answer.

That number isn’t correct to any precision and the fact that there wasn’t rounded to the nearest 10, 100 etc… means that no human would recognize it as an approximation to anything but the nearest whole number (which it wasn’t).


Well in this case you don’t have access to a calculator because there was no plugin. And you likely wouldn’t just make up a number like chatgpt did.

This perfectly illustrates the danger of chatgpt. It will confidently make up an answer to any question whether or not it has access to specialized tools in a way that most humans won’t.

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