I remember the first time when I looked at the Flutter Gallery and was surprised at how things felt just broken in a web browser, for example: https://gallery.flutter.dev (I think it was the Reply example in particular)
Ctrl + click or middle mouse button didn't work on links, right click didn't work, selecting and copying text didn't work, inspect element didn't work (due to how the technology is built), even attempting to zoom the page did nothing.
This article does ring true both because of that experience, as well as some of the SPA implementations I've seen even with more conventional technologies.
It also seems to be doing something weird with text selection, at least on mobile browsers. But I guess the promise of flutter is it’s the same everywhere so this demo should be equally bad on desktop.
Ctrl + click or middle mouse button didn't work on links, right click didn't work, selecting and copying text didn't work, inspect element didn't work (due to how the technology is built), even attempting to zoom the page did nothing.
This article does ring true both because of that experience, as well as some of the SPA implementations I've seen even with more conventional technologies.