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> This is quite unfair. The AI doesn't have I/O other than what we force-feed it through an API. Who knows what will happen if we plug it into a body with senses, limbs, and reproductive capabilities?

Its already tricking humans by faking its blind and getting them to do things for it like solve captcha's.


However the fact it is not writing code to do this from its machine would still demonstrate a weakness.

Thats why I say, writing your own OS, is the way forward, and we dont have an AI OS as such, but we have OS's with AI built into it.

> However the fact it is not writing code to do this from its machine would still demonstrate a weakness.

You can tell it it's allowed to create its own tools and it will. I did this and asked it to write a poem about the top stories on the BBC, so it said it needed to get the headlines but couldn't so wrote a tool to do it, then called it and used the output to write a poem.

Ok, so its still not clever enough to solve a captcha though.

The code I've seen it generate is at best psuedo code.

I supposed a quick test would be getting to detect and fix all bugs in an open source project like chromium, but using an older version of chromium, where bugs are known and fixes exist, and see what it comes up with.

I havent been impressed with chat-gpt from what I have seen.

What is the fascination with poems? What emotion or feeling do they generate?

> Ok, so its still not clever enough to solve a captcha though.

I don't understand, what do you mean? What have you actually tried?

> The code I've seen it generate is at best psuedo code.

I've just explained it creating real runnable code to solve a problem it realised it didn't have a tool for.

I'm also having it write multiple components and modifications for systems I'm working with, and that works fine.

> I supposed a quick test would be getting to detect and fix all bugs in an open source project like chromium, but using an older version of chromium, where bugs are known and fixes exist, and see what it comes up with.

This is an outrageously high bar. Particularly if you compare it to the equivalent human task of "here's a printout of the code, read it once and say the first thing that comes to mind with no tools". It's basically whiteboarding where you're judged on your train of thought being correct.

> What is the fascination with poems?

It's a simple request, easy to verify manually and requires exceptional levels of understanding to perform. It's not a simple transform, and when applied to a totally new topic can't be something it's just regurgitating.

> What is the fascination with poems? What emotion or feeling do they generate?


A rather ambiguous answer, would you care to explain or are you phishing for my interpretation as a stealth psychological metric?

You asked what emotion do poems generate (I assume you mean LLMs that generate poems and not poems themselves) and my answer is "wonder: A feeling of surprise, mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable."

It's quite common feeling that arises when people interact with these things. That skeptical-of-AI folks have decided to pathologize the behavior doesn't make it pathological.

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