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Boom of intangible assets felt across industries and economy (ucla.edu)
27 points by hhs 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Makes me wonder what other economic statistics are mismeasured or misinterpreted due to intangible assets. Seems like a potentially big issue

Inflation is one. Unemployment is another (maybe not because of intangible assets, just that it's a very inaccurate, almost useless, figure due to how it's defined and measured).

Fascinating, gives much food for thought. I wish I had more to add but just wanted to note I enjoyed reading that and being exposed to the concepts.

Same here. But basically it shows that "value" as considered by economists, has moved from physical assets to things like software, expertise, marketing brands & other 'soft' stuff like intellectual property.

And with that, companies considered most valuable (market cap) have changed from ones that manufacture physical goods, to the .com advertising / cloud computing / online shopping giants of today.

I'm piling the "socials" onto the "advertising" heap here... ;-)

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