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Musk's X seizes Music handle. Owner is understandably pissed (mashable.com)
16 points by pg_1234 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments


Honestly, I'm just tired of /new being loaded with stories about a platform I don't use. It's like if you logged onto Twitter and your entire feed was exclusively Instagram drama or whatever.

These stories have long since left the realm of gratifying my curiosity and entered the "pratfalls" section, in my opinion. It's tiring and seems to be rallying me for a flamewar I have zero interest in hearing about.

That’s a valid complaint and I’m tired of hearing about Twitter too. But I just had to say something when the first comment I saw here was essentially mocking the original handle owner for thinking something they had for almost two decades belonged to them. It’s a sentiment I’ve seen in other threads about this.

The solution is to not click on the stories. It's weird that this is such a draining thing for you.

"owner" of a website subdomain?

More like entitled to it? In reality, this person entered a contract with a company that no longer exists; the previous company let him keep the handle for 15 years.

I understand, and I think everyone understands, that Musk has every right to snatch the username for himself. But it just shows a complete lack of etiquette and care? I mean, this is a person that has probably been in the platform for longer than Musk to be able to hold the username for 16 years.

I just think that what is being done to these people is very disrespectful. It's not illegal or anything like that, it's just rude. Pardon me, but I believe that simply because you own something that a lot of people have strong feelings towards doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want without any form of respect towards these people.

It's not that I own Twitter and want to see them suffer. It's that I'm a regular person without a Twitter account who is tired of hearing every event at Twitter being painted as a humanitarian catastrophe. It doesn't matter, it is utterly zero-sum. Everyone apparently agreed to that when they all signed the TOS for the Twitter ball-pit.

Giving anyone significant control over your identity or emotional wellbeing is a bad idea. It hardly qualifies as news though, and feels like a bad submission this far after Twitter's takeover.

As far as I know, I didn't get any sort of update of terms and services once Musk took over. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a the username that you've had for 16 years on a platform to keep being yours?

I mean, it's not that this is something that will hurt the people too much. Though at least for this particular user it seems like he was able to get some money out of having that account, so at the very least there is a potential loss of revenue given this takeover.

I do think it's annoying to keep seeing these news pop up, but what can be expected? There's a sort of zeitgeist that's being constructed that points to Musk being incompetent at running a social media platform; which I kind of agree with. So these sort of news build on that and build it up further; eventually we might see a collapse, a resolution and when looking back at what happened this is the kind of stuff that will help explain it.

If your handle is "music", "admin", "home", one-letter, ... you should expect this to happen. Of course it sucks, because you can sell it for money, but that doesn't mean it's yours.

As much as I find Twitter's rebranding stupid, I really can't relate to those complaints. Of course you should complain, you lost the potential to give it for money, but nothing was stolen from you. The idea that Twitter should compensate you is beyond my understanding.

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