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Apple removed Meduza’s podcast from Apple Podcasts without explaining the reason (meduza.io)
30 points by c5karl 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

In meantime I can recommend BBC's https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/%D1%87%D1%82%D0%BE-%D1..., it's not terrible.

Tbh this is a bad move for the company. I would rather prefer they ignored Russian gov. Just let them make all iphones illegal and see how the kids of happy unseeing unhearing "I am above politics" rich upper middle class in Russia finally wake up to the clusterfuck and make the next revolution happen. Joking but only sorta

This is the inevitable consequence of centralized curation and discovery—pressure points that neo-fascist states can use to suppress dissent. Now extend this to apps.

This is why the freedom to do what you want on your own devices, without gatekeeping, is so important. At least for podcasts there's likely workarounds, though only a small minority will use them.

I am rather surprised that Apple still operates and maintains the App Store in Russia - Steam and Xbox/PS5 has left ???.

Like with Steam, the App Store is still there but you can't purchase anything in it -- they disabled all Russian payment methods for Russian accounts.

I don't think they disabled all Russian payment methods, only methods using sanctioned banks...

So software updates and iOS upgrades are still working but no purchases ???.

Pulling the App Store would be an enormous economic and social disruption. iPhones are basically flip phones without it.

And its a huge lever I'm sure the US govt loves to have, even with Apple's privacy policies.

I dunno how it works, but I can see all involved parties looking the other way.

Apple is a company that uses slave labor and gives Chinese government full access to its data.

On one hand Apple is telling the world how they are standing up to Russia in large PR piece filled and feed into the mass media echo chamber. Claiming themselves as defender of Fundamental Human Right, and their righteousness that put even Google's "Do No Evil" to shame.

On the other hand they are, as a business complying with Russia Rule of Law and take down certain podcast. ( Not as big of a deal but I could have insert a few thousand words essay on China here )

This shows why it's important to have open alternatives to Apple's podcast index.

The Podcast Index still has it indexed https://podcastindex.org/podcast/1112548

I thought Apple Podcasts was more like a GUI index to RSS feeds

Apple runs the Internet's defacto index of podcasts, due to iTunes popularizing podcasting, and provides an API that many/most podcast applications use to find podcasts. When they delist a podcast from their index, it's like Google delisting a website from their index.

You can see that the feed is no longer in their index: https://itunes.apple.com/search?term=Что+случилось&media=pod...

How is Apple still able to conduct business in Russia with the sanctions that are in place?

I believe only certain individuals and companies are sanctioned, not the whole country.

Wrongthink is dangerous.

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