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NYT Opinion: What if we’re the bad guys here? (nytimes.com)
4 points by sashank_1509 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I want heroes and empathy and less non binary dialect and lingo dictated to me. I want truth and honest politicians not CCP backed traitors destroying our freedoms given to us by God. No more social climber via moral and political assaults I want leaders who make Americans first and a president who actually cares about their role in upholding the rule of law…I’m not asking for much.

talking about class war? that's not very ESG compliant of David Brooks, lol.

we can't have that now, talking about class iniquity is not supported by investment funds like woke stuff is.

last time we had this kind of political discussion was occupy wall street, a grassroots protest movement that crossed generational, gender and racial divides to see people protest banks, and then as if by "coincidence", the same wall street that was being protested, is suddenly very interested in funding divisive social activism and schools of thought that just stir shit amongst the populace and distract from the 1%ers, suddenly OWS became about protowokies, the sjws, doing all this stupid infighting so they could start building some klout for themselves, constantly trying to outdo each other on virtue signalling and putting their personal pet issues to the fore rather than just taking the likes of goldman sachs and blackrock to task for their manipulative evil behavior.

this is literally the useful idiots strategy right out of the KGB handbook on fucking your enemies up... how people haven't seen this for the last decade and a half or so is beyond me.

I note the police were well funded back then too, interesting that how the cops were very much present in large numbers when it's the banks and wall street that's being protested, kettling and agent provocateurs and all, but when the 2020 "summer of love" came along, can't seem to get enough police... can't control it, just suddenly very useless and incapable, as someone who saw this all play out from the outside, I don't buy it and I no longer trust what the US media says about it all considering I saw buildings burning while news reporters pulled a "everything is fine".

People can scream conspiracy all they want, but one of the core rule of businesses is to do whatever you can to control your opposition or paint them into a corner, so owning your opposition through ESG funding and then dog whistling to them via the media what you want them to stir shit up about for a decade, is far cheaper than what OWS could have become if the woke divisive stuff had not come along when it did.

From the article: Are Trump supporters right that the indictments are just a political witch hunt? Of course not. As a card-carrying member of my class, I still basically trust the legal system and the neutral arbiters of justice. Trump is a monster in the way we’ve all been saying for years and deserves to go to prison.

Herein we see the true motive for writing this self-indulgent navel-gazing treatise wherein the elite are simply good people with good intentions who occassionally "get it wrong". I don't buy that for a single New York minute. I believe that they mean to wipe out the middle class using the lower class as their tool (among other things). Anti-Trumpism is about making sure that the people cannot come together against the elites. Unfortunately, their program of unprecedented persecution of a President isn't working as well as they would like. We, the people, see through their lies.

I disagree. I think they simply are idiots for the most part. Perhaps just naive because they have been told many lies. They truly see this as justice. In a way they are their own kind of low information voters, equally mislead and equally prejudiced as their supposed political adversaries.

I listened to a podcast the other day where they were discussing people who scored high on a test for psychopathy, one of whom turned out to be a priest. When asked about this he said (paraphrasing from memory) "I don't believe in God and all that stuff, I'm just good at it."

I think this is a lot of politicians. A few are sincere, but a lot are just in some global political grifter class where they have more in common with each other than the people they are supposed to represent. People like Pelosi, Crenshaw, Biden, McCarthy, Taylor-Greene, McCarthy etc.

Not a David Brooks fan but where is the lie here?

> As a card-carrying member of my class, I still basically trust the legal system and the neutral arbiters of justice

America's legal system is perverse and corrupt beyond belief.

Mass incarceration in private prisons (and prisons that rely on private comanies), extreme racial disparities, illegal wars, completely inadequate legal representation, the absolutely fucked cost of legal representation,protected police brutality, global black sites, global surveillance, economic espionage, torturers destroying congressional evidence of their crimes getting huge promotions, supreme court bribes, complete corporate unaccountability, treating whistleblowers and environmental protesters as terrorists, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

He's not factually wrong to say that "as a member of his class" he trusts this shit. But trusting it makes you a living lie.

That said, he is making an important point re Trump supporters and their attitudes, which his class is happy to ignore (or exacerbate and profit from while making hand-wringing noises about how sad it all is) like all the above.

Great article.

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