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Embarrassed about paying Musk for Twitter Blue? You can hide the checkmark now (arstechnica.com)
6 points by rurp 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

"The story is cantered around the Sneetches, a group of yellow bird-like creatures. Some Sneetches have a star on their belly, thus making them special. The Sneetches without a star are discriminated against. Sylvester McMonkey McBean is a greedy entrepreneur who convinces the Sneetches without the stars to get a star tattoos if they pay him money. This makes the star Sneetches jealous and they pay him to have their star removed so they remain special. At the end, the Sneetches all remain penniless and McBean walks away a wealthy man."[0]

[0]: https://www.gradesaver.com/the-sneetches-and-other-stories/s...

Ha! Basically how all brands manipulate people, having an x (no, not Musk’s X, x the variable) will make you feel special about yourself.

I thought that displaying it was what mattered. Otherwise, it's like you're doing nothing but messaging musk privately (kind of like my website). If it's about credit verification, shouldn't that kind of thing be done by government?

I assume the theory is that Twitter blue has become an anti-brand, which people see association with as an actively negative thing; there may be some people who want the features, but not the mark of shame.

Should’t it be x black now? Since we now x instead of tweet. Or something bipolar like that

Or... not pay it at all... who would know except you, X and your priest?

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