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AWS mistake that almost cost me £££ (supremecodr.com)
5 points by verax5 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The biggest AWS mistake I never made was staying with their free tier.

Instead I quit. Because it was quite apparent AWS was locking me into both a dependence on their workflow and a sunk cost fallacy that it'd take as long to set up something equally functional somewhere as all the hoops and AWS way had there.

Jump before you're consumed dear friends.

Dammit. you see we have exact same problem at our company! we're locked with AWS. We got about 12 different sites running there and I know it'd be a nightmare moving them over to something like Digital ocean. The there's other services that need moving too ie lambda/rds and s3 stuff.

Atleast you realized you'd be in deep trouble when free tire finishes! they're quite sneaky eh! I still have trouble understanding their costs sometimes.

I'm glad more people are starting to speak up about their experiences now!

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