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What's funny is that (in a different Python rant from another author), it was pointed out that Google was the heaviest pusher of Python in the early 2000s. It probably would have been Java (from Android and elsewhere) had it not been all the legal stuff with Oracle brewing. So, Python here, Python there, Python everywhere... then Google invented Go and Dart and other shiny new toys and began pushing them everywhere.

Go was written to replace C++ and Java at Google, not Python. But after it launched many Python developers in SRE switched to Go- for good reasons. Initially it was a bit of surprise to the Go creators.

Python (fronting C++ code) still plays a huge role at Google. I don't see that changing. Go has almost zero story for scientific computing.

> It probably would have been Java (from Android and elsewhere) had it not been all the legal stuff with Oracle brewing.

Oracle started buying Sun (and consequently Java) in 2009; the merger was completed in 2010. So I fail to see how that could have influenced Google's purported aversion to Java in the early 2000s, even as late as 2007 or 2008.

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