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Tell HN: When I need a co-working space I donate blood
10 points by andrewfromx 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
I've had we-works, I've had spaces but there is nothing like getting a few hours of perfect air-conditioning, human interaction, and doing a good deed. When I just can't take another day of work-from-home, and going to starbucks (again) just isn't the vibe I want I think: ah ha, I need a good old fashion bloodletting.

(Side note, did you know why the barbershop spinning white and red thing has the red? Because barbers used to cut more than just hair!)

You walk into the Red Cross donation center and that blast of cold air hits you and welcomes you in. Suddenly I'm out of the house, doing something with a purpose that cannot be done remotely. I'm interacting with people, my co-workers for the next few hours. And there is a ton of sitting around and waiting. Both before the donation and after. Enter free wifi and laptop but it's so much different than a coffee shop. At a coffee shop I'm just a "customer." Here I'm a VIP.

When it's all over they encourage me to take my time, get a drink of water and stay awhile. Thanks RC, I hope you like my blood, win win.

>I need a good old fashion bloodletting.

Thanks for the laugh and your thoughtful donation.

Alas. I'm not allowed to donate blood.

> doing a good deed

What? Giving them your blood for free so the Red Cross can sell your blood for $400 a unit? Oh, then the hospital can bill you thousands of dollars for a blood transfusion.

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