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When I visited Cali, I was hoping I'd be surrounded by ambitious people who wanted to work hard and make a lot of money.

I was disappointed, everyone seemed normal. Maybe a bit Epicurean hedonist. Since my local friends are this work hard and make a lot of money type, and it took a half decade to meet and cultivate those friends, I decided to stay local.

Me and the wife have the resume for Cali, but we decided that profiting 300k/yr + our ambitious friends made it obvious to stay. Maybe if she sells her local company, we'd reconsider it for that nice weather.

The ideal californian is a combination of intensely ambitious (internally), while also seeming like an epicurean hedonist (externally). Like, you have to show how hard you are not trying, to be an unbelievable successful person.

"I was disappointed, everyone seemed normal"

In a total plot twist, you can make a lot of money without constantly obsessing about it. You can even be "a bit Epicurean hedonist", enjoy your money, and still make more.

(Also, seriously, if you want people obsessed with "work hard, make lots of money" to the exclusion of anything else, there's no shortage of them. If you can't find any, may I gently suggest that the problem may lie with your search?)

Can I ask where you're living?

In a corporate colony on Terra 2 from The Outer Worlds

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