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Picture of physical hardware for AWS Mac-mini EC2 instances (community.aws)
3 points by dmarinus 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The control board is sooo much bigger than the mini! Wow. There's so many single wires (ok less than a dozen) running this way & that... What a beast.

It's kind of shocking Apple refuses to target anyone but consumers. Leaving cloud providers and enterprises to jury rig together some way to build stuff on Mac is such a huge disservice to everyone who has to or wants to target Mac. Apple seems unwilling to do anything to help. The result is that only hyperscalers are the only option for targetting mac, if you're a decent sized entity with a bunch of teams doing Apple stuff. It's so unfathomable to me to see a company that so manifestly does not care about developers on their platform in 2023.

> The allocation period is for 24h minimum, as per Apple macOS license. It means when you allocate a host, you can not release it before 24h.

It'd clearly be unjust if book publishers could tell libraries a minimum amount of time allowed between checkouts of the same physical book. Why does Apple get to do the equivalent?

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