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Antibiotic resistance poses existential threat for modern medicine (usatoday.com)
3 points by Kalpeshbhalekar 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Is it even scientifically possible to get over this issue? Have we hit a huge roadblock in Medicine?

Yes I believe so. We as a society would need to stop accepting antibiotics being given out in abundance. Instead we should focus on targeting the actual infection and in most cases just use natural molecules that will destroy the invader.

An example would be a mold infection in the upper sinuses. Most doctors will prescribe antibiotics which is not appropriate for mold and can even worsen the infection. Rather the sinuses should be flushed in the Mygind position with saline and one of several compounds that will prevent mold from growing and then add pro-biotics after the infection has cleared to keep the bad actors down. There are a myriad of examples like this. Similar issues arise with gut infections. Doctors prescribe antibiotics when one could start with more natural compounds like Berberine, Mastic Gum and Cranberry molecules that will weaken/stun all bacteria allowing the immune system to catch up and get ahead of the infection.

Sometimes it does get tricky to find the root cause and a blanket medicine might really help if time is crucial/trying to reduce the margin of error..


Sometimes it does get tricky to find the root cause

That's the problem though. People get lazy, doctors offices take too many appointments, throw some antibiotics and bring in the next patient. We as a society need to dissuade this behavior and reward applying scientific methods, lab tests, tissue samples, etc... even if it is perceived to be invasive or expensive. The medical system has become too focused on profits over patient longevity. Instead they are incentivized by high churn patient turn-around, most often just treating symptoms or making problems worse.

I believe there needs to be a new model created to displace and disrupt the current model. There have been some attempts using functional medicine and more of those clinics are being created but that is not fast enough to catch up to the national security conundrum of mass mortality issues resulting from lazy and profit driven procedures.

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