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vamer01 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite

No further development on the 7.0 branch. Development is still continuing in the next version.

The headline omitted the most important part.

The full comment:

> There won't be any further M1 packages on the 7.0 branch as we don't backport any significant fixes/enhancements for ARM there, so it doesn't make much sense to invest time on building and releasing a package which will not see any real progress. If you want to run the developer preview for VBox on M1 you can check out the latest testbuilds which has a lot of fixes and enhancements for M1 (just don't expect any performance improvement).

Since this is on the front page: "There won't be any further M1 packages on the 7.0 branch"

"If you want to run the developer preview for VBox on M1 you can check out the latest testbuilds which has a lot of fixes and enhancements for M1 "


This kind of sensationalized clickbait headline goes against the HN guidelines.

Broadly, it really does feel like "the industry" is going out of its way to prevent lots of people from getting to "virtual desktops."

They've always been a really good teaching tool for me (I teach a college intro to IT class), and they never seem to improve from a novice standpoint; always little annoying things just getting them going.

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