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I switched from Plaid to Stripe.. and then back to Plaid (balancebudget.app)
6 points by johnmarkbeaty 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

An more accurate title would end in "...for now" based on reading the article. Sloppy to list features or APIs that aren't in dev or production yet but this actually makes Stripe look MORE interesting to me as they keep adding tons of features I might need at some point (even if they aren't fully baked yet).

Haha that’s a good point. I do love Stripe for that exact reason. However, it would be nice to have some more transparency on what is baked and what isn’t.

The innovative side of Stripe will probably pull me back in. Plaid has it’s drawbacks as well. It’s not a hard sell to use an alternative

The financial aggregation market is a little stale. I hope Stripe can mix it up

I thought this would be about connection reliability. My experience with 6 different bank API aggregators (Plaid, Finicity, Tink, Nordigen, Yodlee, and SaltEdge) is that none of them actually work reliably for many banks. Connections drop after weeks/months of working fine, data is often missed, and a whole host of other random issues.

Yep, I’ve had the same issue with MX. it’s incredibly frustrating. Have you checked out Plaids update link mode?https://plaid.com/docs/link/update-mode/

I just implemented this so time will tell if this addresses the connectivity issues long term.

Thanks for sharing! I encountered something similar recently.

This isn't the only Stripe "secondary offering" I've found disappointing lately.

People - me included - heap praise on Stripe, and a lot of it is deserved, but there are certain times I think "Why did they ship this without X?".

Wonder if, in 10 years, we'll think of them like we do Google now.

Oh man don’t jinx them!

You’re spot on. I wonder if it has to do with the pressure of keeping up with their valuation?

They’ve done a lot of cool stuff but right now time is my most precious resource and wasting it hurts trust quite a bit.

Hey John, I work at Stripe. Balance Budget looks great and I'm sad we didn't give you a best-in-class experience. My email is my username @stripe.com if you'd like to get in touch to chat further--I'll flag the documentation gaps (and others) internally in any case.

Hey thanks!

I’ve shared some with support but I’d be happy to detail some of the struggles. I’d love to see this offering come to market. I’ve worked with MX and Plaid. They leave a lot to be desired and I think Stripe could be that!

Knowing what’s fully baked and what isn’t would be a nice touch for us working nights/weekends to bring something to life.

If I can help flag some improvements that would be great. I’ll send you an email

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