dabbing all day and vaping oil is in no way comparable to caffeine, cannabis is way more addictive, side effects last longer than 3-4 days as well. People are extremely irritable having lost their main crutch for a month or longer. The fog doesn't lift for about a month. This article is talking about people actually addicted, not like they smoke once a day in the evenings or something.
> dabbing all day and vaping oil is in no way comparable to caffeine
That's comparing the extremes of cannabis administration. I do not utilized any of those methods of administration, so perhaps you are right on how badly it affects one. Then again, I imagine if people were snorting caffeine pills consistently, the withdrawals would be worse than a cup of green tea a day.
Oddly enough, I have never really noticed the irritability as a side-effect. I usually trend towards heightened levels of anxiety. The fog you speak of tends to dissipate for me after a few days to a week.