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Update your AMD hosts now to mitigate the Zenbleed exploit (actuated.dev)
3 points by alexellisuk 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

If you're on Windows, the following script should set the necessary MSR without entirely disabling AVX. There's not really any other way to do it other than with WinRing0's driver, doing it via WinDbg is not practical at all even if you manage to run local debug. And what the DE_CFG[9] bit exactly does other than "preventing complex side effects instructions" I'm not sure, there's barely any information online, and most OS vendors are silent on this.


Thanks for the comment about Windows. I get to live in a world that's Linux-based, and it's wonderful.

The Zenbleed exploit was announced about a week ago, however the Register wrongly and dangerously claims that it doesn't affect QEMU or "any form of emulation".

We were able to run the exploit inside of a Firecracker VM with KVM, and of course Docker, K8s etc has the same set of issues.

Short story - if you're running an AMD CPU, check the exploit (it's very quick) and update your OS.

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