Here in Austin TX, Im told a pack of smokes at the local downtown corner mart (Royal Blue - well known for higher than necessary pricing) is nearing $20! Thats $1 per cigarette. Seems to me simple economics is coming around to address this problem. "Go ahead and keep smoking - smoke as much as you can afford!"
For the non-familiar its not uncommon to go through a pack per day between the ones you personally smoke and the ubiquitous people around too cheap to buy their own pack but happy to bum one or more of yours. So lets just say $20 x 6 days a week for $120/week. Thats about $480/month to continue being an active smoker. Take a years worth of that spending and you got yourself a pretty nice vacation.
For the non-familiar its not uncommon to go through a pack per day between the ones you personally smoke and the ubiquitous people around too cheap to buy their own pack but happy to bum one or more of yours. So lets just say $20 x 6 days a week for $120/week. Thats about $480/month to continue being an active smoker. Take a years worth of that spending and you got yourself a pretty nice vacation.