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[flagged] Intel Accelerates AI Development with Reference Kits (cioinfluence.com)
47 points by ramyaravi19 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

> community, the result of a years long collaboration with Accenture

Hmm. Not a promising start to the news - Accenture is strongly associated to me with slow moving bloated enterprise development.

And then there's no github repos linked.

I suppose this isn't aimed at developers like me.

I had to work with them, while they were contractors in orgs I worked for. A Complete shit show and disastrous projects that were nightmare to work on.

Giving Accenture a project is a guaranteed way to ensure it’s disastrous.

Indeed, that's one of the biggest massive turn off.

It looks and reads like marketing spam. Surprised to see this on the front page.

When I saw the massive Deloitte signage at consensus 2018 in Manhattan I knew the pendulum was swinging in the wrong direction.

This signals the same thing. Hang onto your pants, this bubble will be bumpy.

Tomorrow's headline: Intel discontinues AI development reference kits.

GitHub Link for AI reference Kits - https://github.com/topics/ai-starter-kit and please check the link- https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/topic-tech... to learn more about AI reference kits.

Do you work for Intel?

I don't mind if you do, and providing a link to the GitHub repos and docs already makes you 10x more useful than the marketing folks at Intel, but I (and others, I think) appreciate it if affiliated people acknowledge their relationship to the company in the posts.

Weird labelling - when I first saw "kits" I was briefly hopeful about getting a Jetson-style version of a Habana Gaudi accelerator.

I'm struggling with the language here and could do with simplification. Is this doing what langchain does? It also seems to have the ability to train models but isn't that a solved problem?

where are those kits,could not locate any

I think it means this? This PR was difficult to follow.


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