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See also John Romero on the Tim Ferriss podcast a few weeks ago https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/681-doom-legend-john-r...

He talked how they were always working on 2 games and would do a press release with a shipping date before they more or less even started lol

Romero just released a new book 10 days ago... Doom Guy: Life in First Person https://amzn.to/43M0rSg

Great book so far BTW. Man, Romero had an interesting/rough childhood, that's for sure.

The crazy part was also working 2 full time jobs essentially, 8 hours at softdisk then they would use those PCs at night for 8 hours to crank out their private games, also borrowing them on the weekends to get more work done.

I understand that they could work 16 hours a day, but I wouldn’t believe they can separate two businesses like that. I would have told the same thing though.

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