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goddammit it's free stuff who turns down free stuff.

Your opinion is wide spread, but it erks me. "There's no such thing as a free lunch" is an adage millennia old, and true.

The rule is, nothing is free. Nothing. There are exceptions the rule, but that is exceedingly rare, and if you think you're onto one, it's probably a scam.

"strings attached" is another adage, and often you get "free", by having the strings attached to you.

There isn't a free lunch, but there certainly is a lunch you've already paid for.

E.g. I was at an 'all-inclusive' resort for work and some of my colleages seemed to think it was their duty to get as much value out of the meals as possible, even trying to calculate the actual cost of different dishes.

In my case I am thinking about work perks. So, say, free biscuits in the kitchen.

Of course it isn't "free" in the sense it is a result of work, but it is free in the sense it has no additional cost.

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