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70% of Developers Adopt AI, Stack Overflow Survey 2023 Reveals (techworld-with-milan.com)
3 points by ninja-ninja 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

The actual quote,

> Nearly 70% of all respondents were already using or were planning to use AI tools in their development processes this year.

the wording is important. 70% of all respondents, already or planning. quite different from 70% of developers “adopting.”

from the so source: > 70% of all respondents are using or are planning to use AI tools in their development process this year.

and splitting that by using and planning, it comes down to closer to 45% of respondents already using it. roughly 25% are planning to.

tl;dr the article uses a clickbait headline and does not improve upon the source.


didn't expect the 70% but also these are probably the most active devs, the real number might be closer to 50-60% i feel, mb i'm wrong though

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