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Show HN: FaangSupport – Easing Access to FAANG Customer Support (faangsupport.com)
8 points by TimCTRL on July 27, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
Hi HN! I'm building it. It's not uncommon to see complaints on HN about users being locked out of their Faang/Fortune 500 accounts, primarily by automated systems at these companies, and yet the provided support channels do not help. In Fact, one of these days, HN has become an unofficial support channel for FAANG. But what about those that don't know about HN?

Enter FaangSupport. FaangSupport connects you and me to verified (via email) Faang Volunteers. When complete, the main interface will be an Inbox like layout, through which you can create tickets and correspond with a Faang employee.

So my fellow HNers, would this work? Yes Faang Support is broken but would the solution look like this?

Thanks HN.

Do you have any experience working inside the companies? I worked for two of the mentioned companies and had personal contacts with customer support employees (friends). They wouldn't have helped me if I brought to a case from a third-party person I don't even know. They can't look at user data in their tools unless a support ticket number is attached and every access if logged these days.

I have 0 FAANG or Fortune500 experience, hence posting this here at this stage. I basically need to know whether this would work before i continue coding.

An Instant question would be; How do you ensure the authenticity of Faang Employees? Well, Faang Email addresses are standard, for example @google.com @facebook.com etc, if you are signing up as a Faang Employee, We first check that this email is indeed a Faang Email and then We send you an email to verify your Faang Email.

Are you sure about @facebook.com?

oh @meta.com?

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