I would have liked to see them attempt to fix Trivial Pursuit. Comparing with Wordfeud doesn't help because a Trival Pursuit board contains more information. What would you use to distinguish player pieces besides color? You can't use different shapes like Monopoly (if you do want to do that, problem solved; just put a Monopoly piece next to your TP piece and move them together).
Agreed. There are a million area's to focus on, I've focused on getting the site online first as to be able to get the site to grow using feedback like this. So thanks!
The solution itself is indeed difficult, the key is providing information by something other thank color alone. But as you mentioned, you're bound to a single basic shape that can't really differ from the rest.
A clearer color palette might work, but there is no guarantee that it might work for every possible type of colorblindness in every possible situation.