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"Whistleblower tells Congress US is concealing 'multi-decade' UFO capture program"


"Whistleblower is deluded"

There's no UFOs. Well let me clarify - there's no aliens. If there are UFOs then they are made right here on earth and just need close up, non fuzzy photos.

Also, why would it be a shock to have a program to retrieve and reverse engineer any secret aircraft. If it's unknown, it's probably foreign military, and to not have a program to respond to that kind of thing would be pretty negligent.

And you know this for a fact because?

Because aliens would not go to the unbelievable effort of traveling between the stars and then carefully hide from detection on a planet brimming with human activity, somehow knowing how to make themselves invisible, and yet still being here for some reason.

The concept of "anonymous" alien visitation is self evidently silly.

But also, the concept of traveling between the stars is also so unlikely as to be effectively impossible. If you don't agree, then you don't really grasp the distance to the stars.

> Because aliens would not go to the unbelievable effort of traveling between the stars and then carefully hide from detection on a planet brimming with human activity, somehow knowing how to make themselves invisible, and yet still being here for some reason.

Why not? Walk me through your logic.

> The concept of "anonymous" alien visitation is self evidently silly.

I don't see the self-evident silliness. Can you explain?

> But also, the concept of traveling between the stars is also so unlikely as to be effectively impossible. If you don't agree, then you don't really grasp the distance to the stars.

Or if I don't agree I just don't assume that the only way to travel interstellar distances are rockets. We are slowly discovering alternative approaches that don't require incredible amounts of energy. How do you already know 100% they won't work out? Could you share your time machine with me?

You seem pretty experienced in the hypothetical motivations of hypothetical creatures with the hypothetical technology to travel between stars!

Or are you just assuming that the hypothetical aliens have minds and motivations that would be comprehensible by humans?

Hell, I bet you if I sat down I could come up with at least 10 motivations that might make sense for humans to do the same stealth thing in an inverted situation. I feel like you're not engaging in good faith.

Same reason fuzzy Big Foot photos and fuzzy Chupacabra photos don’t prove anything, despite earnest testimony from those who took them.

Well the titular "whistleblower" of the article has claimed the U.S. recovered a saucer from World War II dictator Benito Mussolini on a tip from Pope Pius XII. Sorry but that's firmly in tinfoil-hat territory. https://popculture.com/trending/news/vatican-helped-recover-...

Well, we were friends with Italy before the war. He's an event that ended in Chicago, in August 1933, for example.[1]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decennial_Air_Cruise

nobody knows anything for a fact. But we have our priors.

Our priors should reflect no radio transmissions from aliens, no non-blurry pictures of UFOs, etc etc

Because it's as well documented and supported as God.

Maybe they're really just different manifestations of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

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