Not a ridiculous question. I have routinely eaten too much throughout my 40+ years, in part as a reaction to adverse childhood experiences- eating was a way to escape. To be fair, I haven't quantified "too much" with measurements and numbers, but with how I feel and how my clothes fit.
Eating until uncomfortably full, rather than the "hara hatchi bu" ("to 80% full") I heard about in Japan, has been my norm, and I'm paying for it now with acid reflux, GERD, and probably an over-accumulation of toxins (micro-plastics, forever chemicals, heavy metals, whatever), along with the extra cost of buying more than I need to survive and feel good.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but my guess is that our bodies can only digest so much food before peristalsis moves it out. Were I processing my solid waste for the garden (with soldier fly larvae or heat, etc) we'd have some decent, though costly, humanure (I do use my urine for the compost pile).
I feel best when I eat a massive salad (with all sorts of good stuff in it- sprouted grains & legumes, nutritional yeast, homemade ferments, oil and vinegar, garden greens and roots, sometimes meat) for brunch, a smaller meal mid-afternoon, and nothing else; this way I feel full all day (fiber is important for this) and empty enough before bed to be able to sleep through the night. When I get too stressed I eat emotionally, but I forgive myself and keep trying. Eating a cookie feels good in the moment and bad later on, while eating a salad takes more effort to do but feels both good in the moment (I like chewing, and the taste) and great for my mental health long afterwards.
Because agriculture is a contributor to climate change, eating just enough, with occasional celebratory "harvest feasts", feels like a good thing to do.
> Were I processing my solid waste for the garden (with soldier fly larvae or heat, etc) we'd have some decent, though costly, humanure (I do use my urine for the compost pile).
Love this <3, great idea. Are you taking any meds that might change the compost in some way? I used to take Amphetamines for/against my ADHD for a while and the urine did indeed have a negative impact on the soil! As well as too much vitamin B for too long. The soild "burned"/killed the seeds.
I'm not asking because of climate change, actually, even though it is indeed a relevant reason. I'm asking because there seem to be peculiar connections between functioning/high functioning people and over-eating and rationality vs rationalization, which some former acquaintances are keen on investigating scientifically.
Eating until uncomfortably full, rather than the "hara hatchi bu" ("to 80% full") I heard about in Japan, has been my norm, and I'm paying for it now with acid reflux, GERD, and probably an over-accumulation of toxins (micro-plastics, forever chemicals, heavy metals, whatever), along with the extra cost of buying more than I need to survive and feel good.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but my guess is that our bodies can only digest so much food before peristalsis moves it out. Were I processing my solid waste for the garden (with soldier fly larvae or heat, etc) we'd have some decent, though costly, humanure (I do use my urine for the compost pile).
I feel best when I eat a massive salad (with all sorts of good stuff in it- sprouted grains & legumes, nutritional yeast, homemade ferments, oil and vinegar, garden greens and roots, sometimes meat) for brunch, a smaller meal mid-afternoon, and nothing else; this way I feel full all day (fiber is important for this) and empty enough before bed to be able to sleep through the night. When I get too stressed I eat emotionally, but I forgive myself and keep trying. Eating a cookie feels good in the moment and bad later on, while eating a salad takes more effort to do but feels both good in the moment (I like chewing, and the taste) and great for my mental health long afterwards.
Because agriculture is a contributor to climate change, eating just enough, with occasional celebratory "harvest feasts", feels like a good thing to do.