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See the original note: It was much more of a "maybe we could do this, but it has a lot of problems": https://github.com/RupertBenWiser/Web-Environment-Integrity/...

Including the text since it’s pretty illuminating:


>To protect against both risks, we are evaluating whether attestation signals must sometimes be held back for a meaningful number of requests over a significant amount of time (in other words, on a small percentage of (client, site) pairs, platforms would simulate clients that do not support this capability). Such a holdback would encourage web developers to use these signals for aggregate analysis and opportunistic reduction of friction, as opposed to a quasi-allowlist: A holdback would effectively prevent the attestation from being used for gating feature access in real time, because otherwise the website risks users in the holdback population being rejected.

>Although a holdback would prevent the attestation signal from being used for per-request enforcement decisions, there remains immense value for measurement in aggregate populations.

>However, a holdback also has significant drawbacks. In our use cases and capabilities survey, we have identified a number of critical use cases for deterministic platform integrity attestation. These use cases currently rely on client fingerprinting. A deterministic but limited-entropy attestation would obviate the need for invasive fingerprinting here, and has the potential to usher in more privacy-positive practices in the long-term.

>We ask for feedback from the community group on the idea of a holdback, and are very interested in alternative suggestions that would allow both goals to be met.

To me this is very clearly stating there needs to be some mechanism that forces website developers to not block access based on the results at attestation so as to allow clients to opt out. I’m not seeing the “maybe we could this,” interpretation, instead I’m seeing “we need to do something to allow client opt out, here’s one such way (with issues)”

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