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Show HN: K8surl CLI to open URLs based on jsonpath from kubectl output (github.com/jklaw90)
2 points by jklaw90 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite
I made a cli tool to pipe resources into to open dashboards quickly.


I use datadog and find it very time consuming top select the dropdowns to filter out the right information when im trying to inspect issues on a pod. I usually also have to open multiple dashboards to get know whats really going on, and the load times for some of the dashboards can be pretty slow. With this i can open dashboards without even having to look at the raw yaml manifest to figure out which labels i need.

It uses jsonpath and you can make your own templates and commands via the config file. See the example on the readme for that.

It works like this:

> kubectl get pod nginx -oyaml | k8surl

or if you have a custom command specified in the config file for an special case.

> kubectl get pod nginx -oyaml | k8surl myDashboardForSpecificProblemX

Hopefully you all like it and feel free to contribute if you have other ideas.




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