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Spot the bug in this Python code (2023) (dwrodri.gitlab.io)
2 points by dwrodri 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

The logic error seems to be that you have the second for loop where you only want to destructure the splitted line into a tuple. Now writing that decomposition as a for loop over a one-element list (as in the corrected code) works, but seems "hmhm". In other words, the misunderstanding here is that you want a chain of generators, not a "nested for loop"-generator.

A more proper solution could be to chain the generator expressions: with

    lines = ["a,b", "c,d"]
you could do

    ((a,b) for a, b in (l.split(',') for l in lines))

So fun fact, I had discussed this exact approach with a few people when i was debugging this, and in fact this was the first solution I had come up with.

However, the approach in my code generates less bytecode and performed slightly faster, as the chained generator expressions add more overhead. See here: https://godbolt.org/z/nT8a5eMGa

I agree that your approach requires less usage of (what I'd consider) unintuitive syntax, so I should probably add it as an alternative viable solution!

Since if performance is so critical as to worry over something like this, we'd probably both agree that you should probably be wary of choosing Python in the first place.


Well, I'm not a Python guy, but I saw something that would have been a bug. As numbers, the line above's variables would evaluate to

    0x00800513    0x0000    0x8
In a language like C, in a compilation, that 'x10' would throw up a 'variable not declared' error. As data, it would most likely evaluate as above to zero (depending on the data-handling code).

In my case that field was completely ignored, and thankfully it wasn't a parsing error in Python.

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