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DeSantis campaign deputy helped spam the FCC with anti-net neutrality comments (dailydot.com)
53 points by MilnerRoute 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Is the current administration doing anything at the moment to reinstate net neutrality? It's pretty obvious at this point that the repeal of it was wrought with corruption and scandals...

There's been a vacancy on the board for some time [1]. The previous nominee withdrawn after a successful appointment seemed highly unlikely [2]. I believe there is discussion about another nominee but who knows when they might actually get appointed.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Communications_Commiss...

2. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/07/politics/gigi-sohn-withdraws-...

So essentially the GOP has blocked/filibustered this appointment (despite DEMs having 50+ seats in the Senate). It's amazing how poorly DEMs fight this chicanery.

"Supporters hope to have [FCC nominee Anna Gomez] confirmed before the Senate breaks for its month-long August recess at week-end... It only takes 50 Senators to approve Gomez’s nomination, with Vice President Kamela Harris as a tiebreaker. But it appears her confirmation may not be that tight since a handful of Republicans voted to advance her selection out of committee when it came up for a vote two weeks ago."


I simply don't get this logic: " But it appears her confirmation may not be that tight since a handful of Republicans voted to advance her selection out of committee when it came up for a vote two weeks ago."

Republicans blocked Biden from appointing Gigi Sohn, and there's probably not enough time left in his first term to get a nominee through and get the rules approved. I think in any case Manchin and Sinema would block anyone who would support net neutrality. Biden did sign a executive order in 2021 that included instructions to the FCC to restore the net neutrality rules that had been undone during the Trump administration.

People should go to jail over stuff like this, but they won't. It's the times we live in.

"A man is known by the company he keeps." - Aesop



Non-paywalled link to the Bloomberg article linked at the top of the OP describing Eilon's elevation from digital director to deputy campaign manager: https://archive.is/dxPks

There's disturbing context in that given his role as digital director, Eilon could not have been completely unaware of other digital staffers on the team elevating Nazi imagery: https://www.thedailybeast.com/desantis-staff-keep-sharing-tw...

And the net neutrality fiasco takes on an entirely more rancid flavor when it turns out that anti-net neutrality was being pushed by a team now actively promoting fascism and transphobia. It's one thing to worry that an ISP might favor one video streaming site over another for commercial gain; it's another when many regional and national ISPs would take relaxed net neutrality rules as a free license, with the tacit if not explicit approval and protection of a presidential candidate, and with coordinated messaging alongside a nationally elevated "protecting children" narrative, to create a "soft Great Firewall" that throttles content on sites that its operators don't politically agree with.

If you don't want a regime (in all definitions of the word) where this is not only plausible but a likely strategy, now is the time to make your voice heard to protect a society in which ideas can be transmitted freely.

Ethan Eilon

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