From the article, "while incorrectly labeling the human-written text as AI-written 9% of the time."
Seems like from what the article we're talkin about says it definitely ain't worse than random by far. Thing you most want to avoid is wrongly labeling humans as AI-written so that seems pretty good. Though it only identified 26% of AI text as "likely AI-written" that's still better than nothing, and better than random. But we don't know or I don't know from the article if that's on the problem cases of less than 1,000 characters or not. It don't say what the *best case* is just what the general cases are.
Anyhow don't seem to me worse than random is the issue here
You're right, I should have been less specific. If the harm of false positives is significant you may not need to have random or worse than random results to feel obligated to stop the project.
I'd want to see a lot better than "better than random" for the type of tool which is already being used to discipline students for academic misconduct, making hiring and firing decisions over who used AI in what CV/job tasks, and generally used to check if someone decieved others by passing off ai writing as their own, a wrong result can impugn people's reputations
Wherever you draw the line someone's going to be upset at where the line is. You're echoing the other guy's concern, really everyone's concern. Same issue with everything from criminal justice to government all around so there's not really any value in yelling personal preferences at one another, even assumin I disagree which I don't. That ain't what I'm about in either case and it don't change what I said about removing options by assuming people suck being a bad way to go about doing anything.
Might as well remove all comment sections because people suck so assume there's no value having one. Pick any number of things like that. Just ain't a good way to go thinking about anything let alone defending a company for removing it, since the same logic justifies removing your ability to criticize or defend it in the first place. You an AI expert? Assume no, so why we let you talk about it? Or me? People suck so why let you comment? On and on like that.
Seems like from what the article we're talkin about says it definitely ain't worse than random by far. Thing you most want to avoid is wrongly labeling humans as AI-written so that seems pretty good. Though it only identified 26% of AI text as "likely AI-written" that's still better than nothing, and better than random. But we don't know or I don't know from the article if that's on the problem cases of less than 1,000 characters or not. It don't say what the *best case* is just what the general cases are.
Anyhow don't seem to me worse than random is the issue here