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I’d say the peak of Github copilot adoption might have been during that month as well, IIRC the VS Code extension got released late March

Which would make sense, right? You are more likely to get an answer on StackOverflow for questions that touch very common technology (because more people are likely to answer). And that is exactly where Copilot probably shines too (I don't use it): because that is where there is a lot of training data.

I personally used to like StackOverflow as my last recourse: I grew up in those years where we had to RTFM, and I kept the habit. So if I go ask on StackOverflow, it is a tricky question. It used to be fine, and I was getting an answer eventually (sometimes after adding a bounty).

But in the last few years, I have had legit questions downvoted or even closed, and it was obvious that the people voting to close it did not even understand it. I agree that the moderation culture on StackOverflow is toxic. If everytime I contribute something, I have to fight to not get downvoted or closed, then I will slowly stop contributing.

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