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Climate scientists’ horror and exasperation as global predictions play out (theguardian.com)
15 points by myshpa 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Grey-haired, mostly white, male, economy-focussed politicians running the show, revolving door between multinationals (including Big Oil) and those politics... Is it any surprise so little was done over the past decades?

They won't fix the problems ahead. Let them clear the benches, have a younger generation take their seats, and let those youngsters take the quicker, deeper, more radical actions that are needed (as far as they still can).

It's those youngsters' future, after all. The grey haired ppl that caused the mess we are now facing, are not the ones who'll be fixing it.

Ageism, racism, or any other generalization about people based on attributes beyond their control is discrimination.

We also knew, with a good degree of certainty, that people and governments wouldn't listen.

Only 30% of americans were for sending people to the moon. Sometimes we should do what's right, regardless what the majority of population wants to do.

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