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Show HN: An Open-Source Platform for Raspberry Pi with Robust OTA Updates (silitics.com)
5 points by koehlma 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite
Over the last few weeks, I worked on a set of tools which enables (1) a modern workflow to build customized images for Raspberry Pi, (2) robust over-the-air updates with rollback support of the entire system, including firmware files, and (3) managed state which is preserved across reboots and updates. The goal is to have a reliable platform for creating Raspberry Pi-based products. The initial motivation for the project came from one of our customers who uses Raspberry Pi to control test benches for pedelecs. The entire project is open-source. Feel free to check it out and give it a try.

The project is still in an early stage and I am eager to hear your thoughts and opinions. Also, feel free to ask any questions! :)

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