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Ask HN: How would SEO landscape change with abundance of AI-generated content?
2 points by Kalpeshbhalekar 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Pretty new around here! Just curious, Will search engines need to modify their algorithms to such an extend? Will SEO just die out?

The current system is built on low effort content farms with articles written by ghost writers who stitched together what they googled on the subject. If anything changes in the seo world, it's less ghost writer jobs. Already happening.

The current system is driven by ad revenue, but when the customers are advertisers, then the user experience sucks. Why would I want to wade through search results full of ads when OpenAI, Bard, etc can answer my question in seconds.

How does the landscape change? The cheap low effort content farm business model is dead.

Very well put!

People with low research effort or lack of domain expertise will definately have a hard time.

There might be a wave of writer who might leverage OpenAI & Bard for faster turnaround content, but it seems like a short term trend to skip the research.

Will content become a lot more about a person's opinion over informative content?

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