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All the Ways We’ve Wiped: The History of Toilet Paper and What Came Before (history.com)
6 points by thunderbong 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

bum gun for the win. Anyone who's spent time in se asia knows this and I can't believe the US hasn't caught up to it.

The thought of getting some poop on my hands and then wiping it off with a piece of thin paper seems absurd. So, why would you use paper to wipe it off your arse?

I recently remodeled my bathroom and installed both a bum gun and one of those fancy toilets that has a heated seat and warm water jets to clean back there. Best investment ever.

You know you can wash your hands after right:) I get that lots of people use bidets but personally I find them confusing and gross. In any shared setting you've got a bunch of other people's ass water that's been sprayed around, plus a nozzle that gets God knows what sprayed on it, and even on my own I'd have no idea how to properly contain the water and get it to do what I want. Obviously there's a solution to that, but practically I don't see TP as an inferior alternative. Just my feelings as an ignorant westerner that's seen a lot of bidets and said no thanks.

read what i wrote again please, the point is washing your arse. the comment about the hands is just a comparison.

oh and who knows what's on the roll of tp in a public restroom too...

I tried for a pretty light hearted comment and got an angry "read that again" internet rebuttal. Oh well, happy washing.

wow, i said please! you sure are touchy.

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